• Global Coverage covering over 71,000 companies, over 31 countries and over 45 stock exchanges
  • 15 million documents processed yearly to extract and tag all text and data.
  • Entity Master: All documents, pages and blocks from local exchanges are matched to our Orbit LEI / ISIN Security Master file.

Get in touch to find out how Orbit can help you rethink what is possible.
Orbit uses AI to convert unstructured data into our machine-readable knowledge base. This format is critical and allows us to intelligently automate workflows using LLMs (Large Language Models) which significantly reduces the time and effort required for you to derive insights from raw data.
Why Orbit?
Depth of Coverage: Global Coverage of key markets, covering over 71,000 companies. We currently cover over 31 countries and over 45 stock exchanges.
Data Quality: Orbit extracts and tags all text and data from every single document, circa 15m per year. This means Orbit can provide global exchange filings at a document, page or ‘Block’ level in multiple formats to ensure seamless integration with your GenAI strategy.
Entity Master: All documents, pages and blocks from local exchanges are matched to our Orbit LEI / ISIN Security Master file, ensuring the correct documents are matched to the correct companies.
Timeliness: Daily feed available before next market with lower latencies available on request